Favorite Summer Recipes
June 30, 2023
Author: Doré
June 30, 2023
Favorite Summer Recipes
Author: Doré
Let us guess, you’re headed to a get-together this weekend and you were asked to bring a salad, or a dessert (or maybe some wine). Well whether it’s a 4th of July BBQ or you’re vacationing somewhere in the Med, we thought we’d pull together a few of our favorite simple salad and dessert recipes from a few of our favorite ladies that are perfect for summer.
Let us guess, you’re headed to a get-together this weekend and you were asked to bring a salad, or a dessert (or maybe some wine). Well whether it’s a 4th of July BBQ or you’re vacationing somewhere in the Med, we thought we’d pull together a few of our favorite simple salad and dessert recipes from a few of our favorite ladies that are perfect for summer.