
Garance Doré: Bonjour Paris

“Bien dans sa peau” as we say in France. They wear little to no make up, they rarely talk about their age, they feel like they walk around unencumbered. They take great care of themselves but they’ve always done it. It’s part of the culture passed on from generation to generation.


Garance Doré: Bonjour Paris

“Bien dans sa peau” as we say in France. They wear little to no make up, they rarely talk about their age, they feel like they walk around unencumbered. They take great care of themselves but they’ve always done it. It’s part of the culture passed on from generation to generation.


Garance Doré: Beautiful and Free

Beauty is not a value, you may say. But what if it was? What if feeling beautiful wasn’t just the superficial quest for a perfect lip but a deep yearning to bring the best of ourselves to the world?
Garance Dore column my beauty travel essentials


Garance Doré: My Beauty Travel Essentials
I’ve simplified, organized, and “essentialed” my way through Europe. I’ll be happy to be home and get back to my routines—and to the gym—but in the meantime, here are a few things that have made my life easier.


Garance Doré: Beautiful and Free

Beauty is not a value, you may say. But what if it was? What if feeling beautiful wasn’t just the superficial quest for a perfect lip but a deep yearning to bring the best of ourselves to the world?
Garance Dore column my beauty travel essentials


Garance Doré: My Beauty Travel Essentials
I’ve simplified, organized, and “essentialed” my way through Europe. I’ll be happy to be home and get back to my routines—and to the gym—but in the meantime, here are a few things that have made my life easier.