Skincare and Exercise
March 17, 2023
Author: Doré
March 17, 2023
Skincare and Exercise
Author: Doré
The beauty of having a simple skincare routine is that we get to spend more time doing the things we love, and less time in front of the mirror. And that includes making some more time for exercising. Whether it’s heading to the gym, a yoga class or simply going for a walk or a jog, we are big advocates of moving the body. The benefits of exercise are enormous, and with warmer weather hopefully on the way, getting outside to break a sweat is high up on the agenda.But what about your skincare when it comes to exercise?Our biggest recommendation is to ditch the make up if you’re planning on getting a good sweat in. When we start to sweat, and our pores open, they can get blocked by make up particles and lead to clogged pores. Unfortunately this can lead to breakouts.The other downside to make up at the gym - the bacteria that is seemingly everywhere. Whether it’s weights or yoga mats, we tend to touch our faces more than we think (especially when sweating) and your make up can give that bacteria something to cling to on the skin. If you’re exercising outside, the same goes for pollutants in the air getting into those open pores.So if you’re heading to the gym from work and have make up on, we’d recommend a gentle cleanse before you start to exercise. And then again after you’ve broken a sweat. Do keep in mind it’s important not to over strip the skin by cleansing too much, but hydrating cleansers like Le Cleanser are gentle enough for frequent use. And if you’re looking for an easy way to remove make up before you exercise, La Micellaire just takes a few swipes.
The beauty of having a simple skincare routine is that we get to spend more time doing the things we love, and less time in front of the mirror. And that includes making some more time for exercising. Whether it’s heading to the gym, a yoga class or simply going for a walk or a jog, we are big advocates of moving the body. The benefits of exercise are enormous, and with warmer weather hopefully on the way, getting outside to break a sweat is high up on the agenda.But what about your skincare when it comes to exercise?Our biggest recommendation is to ditch the make up if you’re planning on getting a good sweat in. When we start to sweat, and our pores open, they can get blocked by make up particles and lead to clogged pores. Unfortunately this can lead to breakouts.The other downside to make up at the gym - the bacteria that is seemingly everywhere. Whether it’s weights or yoga mats, we tend to touch our faces more than we think (especially when sweating) and your make up can give that bacteria something to cling to on the skin. If you’re exercising outside, the same goes for pollutants in the air getting into those open pores.So if you’re heading to the gym from work and have make up on, we’d recommend a gentle cleanse before you start to exercise. And then again after you’ve broken a sweat. Do keep in mind it’s important not to over strip the skin by cleansing too much, but hydrating cleansers like Le Cleanser are gentle enough for frequent use. And if you’re looking for an easy way to remove make up before you exercise, La Micellaire just takes a few swipes.